Wednesday 13 August 2008


The Atlantean concept of Atlas imported into Sumer (after 3000 B.C.). Adad was
a fire-god symbolized by an active volcano, its summit wreathed by the constellation
of the Pleiades—the “Atlantises,” or daughters of Atlas. Oppenheimer writes that
the Sumerian version of the flood was “catastrophic. The storm came suddenly with a
loud noise and darkening the sky and a raging wind from Adad...One of the gods,
Anzu, is described as tearing the sky with his talons.” According to the Sumerian
version of the Deluge, “No one could see anyone else. They could not be recognized
in the catastrophe. The flood roared like a bull. Like a wild ass screaming, the winds
howled. The darkness was total, and there was no sun.”

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